
Supermajority of States Bans Powdered Alcohol

Alcohol Justice reports that 31 states have now legislated or regulated complete bans on powdered alcohol, and California is well on the way to do the same. On April 28th, the California Assembly unanimously passed AB 1554 (Irwin, D–Thousand Oaks). A companion bill (SB 819, Huff, R– San Dimas) unanimously passed the Senate last month. To date, 113 out of 120 California legislators have voted for a powdered alcohol ban.

Last March, Alcohol Justice requested emergency legislative action nationwide in response to news that the U.S. Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (TTB) had approved labels for the powdered alcohol product, Palcohol. The TTB approval gave a green light for the tax rates and labels, allowing states to allow the product, regulate or ban.

Since then, new laws have been passed in 31 states to prohibit the possession, purchase, sale, offer for sale, distribution, manufacture, or use of powdered alcohol. Most states make the violation of these provisions punishable with fines. There are ten states that have legislation in the pipeline to ban the products. There are only three states that allow sales.

Powdered Alcohol by State 2
CA, MD, MA, MN, NH, & NY passed temporary powdered alcohol bans 
and also have pending legislation to make those bans permanent.

CLICK HERE to view the full press release.

If your states has powdered alcohol legislation pending, or is one of those states yet to act, please TAKE ACTION to show your support for stopping this youth-attractive alcoholic product from hitting the market.

California Assembly Committee Delivers 2nd Punch to Powdered Alcohol

April 6, 2016


On April 6th, the second of two state bills to ban powdered alcohol in California have been passed by the Assembly Committee on Government Organization (GO)

AB 1554, and an identical measure in the Senate (SB 819 - authored by Senator Bob Huff, R- Diamond Bar), will create a comprehensive pre-emptive stop to a chilling litany of health and safety concerns associated with powdered or crystalline alcohol. The bills will prohibit the possession, purchase, sale, offer for sale, distribution, manufacture, or use of powdered alcohol and would make the violation of these provisions punishable with a fine.

AB 1554 passed by unanimous vote with no opposition in the GO Committee and will now move through one more committee before being voted upon by the full Assembly. In the Senate, the Appropriations Committee will review SB 819, Senator Huff’s powdered alcohol ban bill, on Monday April 11. That bill passed through the Senate GO Committee on a unanimous vote early last month.

As of March 2016, thirty states have enacted bans on powdered and/or crystalline alcohol with legislation or regulatory administrative action. An additional 9 states have introduced legislation to ban powdered alcohol since the beginning of the year: California, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.

View the full press release here:


Powdered alcohol update

February 17, 2016

powdered alcohol palcohol
As of February 2016, twenty-nine states have enacted bans on powdered and/or crystalline alcohol with legislation or regulatory administrative action. An additional 9 states have introduced legislation to ban powdered alcohol since the beginning of the year: California, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.

For a list of state laws and regulatory decisions regarding powdered alcohol, click here

For a list of active state bills regarding alcohol products such as powdered alcohol and alcopops, see our Dangerous Products Legislative Activity page.

Take action and tell federal and state policymakers to ban powdered alcohol.

Powdered alcohol bans introduced in CA

January 15, 2016


Alcohol Justice is pleased to report the introduction of two bills to ban powdered alcohol in California. Assembly Bill 1554 (Irwin) and Senate Bill 819 (Huff) will create a powerful barrier to a chilling litany of health and safety concerns associated with powdered or crystalline alcohol.

Read the Full Press Release Here

TAKE ACTION: Tell California's Legislators, the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC), and Governor Brown to Ban Powdered Alcohol!