Tax Calculator

Tax / Fee Revenue Calculator

Use this tool to estimate new annual revenue from an alcohol tax or fee increase in your state.
Step 1: Select State, D.C., or U.S. from the drop down menu.

Control State (Spirits)
The Alabama beer excise tax was last changed in 1969 and has lost 83% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 1.05 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Alaska beer excise tax was last changed in 2002 and has lost 16% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 1.07 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Arizona beer excise tax was last changed in 1983 and has lost 54% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.16 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Arkansas beer excise tax was last changed in 2001 and has lost 17% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.24 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The California beer excise tax was last changed in 1991 and has lost 37% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.20 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Colorado beer excise tax was last changed in 1976 and has lost 73% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.08 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Connecticut beer excise tax was last changed in 1989 and has lost 42% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.24 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Delaware beer excise tax was last changed in 1990 and has lost 39% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.26 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Florida beer excise tax was last changed in 1983 and has lost 54% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.48 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Georgia beer excise tax was last changed in 1964 and has lost 86% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.32 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Hawaii beer excise tax was last changed in 1998 and has lost 24% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.93 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Idaho beer excise tax was last changed in 1961 and has lost 86% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.15 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Illinois beer excise tax was last changed in 2009 and has lost 0% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.23 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Indiana beer excise tax was last changed in 1981 and has lost 58% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.12 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Iowa beer excise tax was last changed in 1986 and has lost 49% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.19 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Kansas beer excise tax was last changed in 1977 and has lost 72% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.18 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Kentucky beer excise tax was last changed in 1954 and has lost 87% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.08 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Louisiana beer excise tax was last changed in 1948 and has lost 89% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.40 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Maine beer excise tax was last changed in 1986 and has lost 49% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.35 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Maryland beer excise tax was last changed in 1972 and has lost 81% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.09 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Massachusetts beer excise tax was last changed in 1975 and has lost 75% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.11 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Michigan beer excise tax was last changed in 1966 and has lost 85% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.20 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Minnesota beer excise tax was last changed in 1987 and has lost 47% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.15 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Mississippi beer excise tax was last changed in 1950 and has lost 89% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.43 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Missouri beer excise tax was last changed in 1971 and has lost 81% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.06 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Montana beer excise tax was last changed in 1992 and has lost 35% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.14 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Nebraska beer excise tax was last changed in 2003 and has lost 14% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.31 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Nevada beer excise tax was last changed in 2003 and has lost 14% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.16 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The New Hampshire beer excise tax was last changed in 1983 and has lost 54% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.30 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The New Jersey beer excise tax was last changed in 1992 and has lost 35% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.12 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The New Mexico beer excise tax was last changed in 1993 and has lost 33% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.41 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The New York beer excise tax was last changed in 2009 and has lost 0% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.14 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The North Carolina beer excise tax was last changed in 2009 and has lost 0% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.62 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The North Dakota beer excise tax was last changed in 1963 and has lost 86% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.16 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Ohio beer excise tax was last changed in 1993 and has lost 33% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.17 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Oklahoma beer excise tax was last changed in 1987 and has lost 47% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.40 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Oregon beer excise tax was last changed in 1977 and has lost 72% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.08 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Pennsylvania beer excise tax was last changed in 1947 and has lost 90% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.08 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Rhode Island beer excise tax was last changed in 1989 and has lost 42% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.11 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The South Carolina beer excise tax was last changed in 1969 and has lost 83% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.77 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The South Dakota beer excise tax was last changed in 1987 and has lost 47% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.27 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Tennessee beer excise tax was last changed in 2002 and has lost 16% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 1.38 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Texas beer excise tax was last changed in 1984 and has lost 52% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.19 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Utah beer excise tax was last changed in 2003 and has lost 14% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.42 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Vermont beer excise tax was last changed in 1981 and has lost 58% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.27 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Virginia beer excise tax was last changed in 1977 and has lost 72% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.26 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Washington beer excise tax was last changed in 2010 and has lost 0% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.26 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The West Virginia beer excise tax was last changed in 1955 and has lost 88% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.18 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Wisconsin beer excise tax was last changed in 1969 and has lost 83% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.06 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The Wyoming beer excise tax was last changed in 1935 and has lost 94% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.02 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The United States beer excise tax was last changed in 1989 and has lost 42% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.58 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
The District of Columbia beer excise tax was last changed in 1990 and has lost 39% of its value. If the tax had kept pace with inflation, instead of 0.09 per gallon, it would now be $0.00 per gallon.
Step 2: Enter tax or fee increase for one or more alcohol categories.
(e.g., Enter a ten-cent tax or fee increase for beer as 0.1 in the box under "Beer".)
Step 3: Select a unit of measurement.
Tax Increase $

12 oz. Drink.
31 Gallon Barrel
Tax Increase $

5 oz. Drink.
31 Gallon Barrel
Tax Increase $

1.5 oz. Drink.
31 Gallon Barrel
Step 4: Click the Calculate button!