

California ABC Stakeholder Meeting on February 27


On February 27, the California State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) will hold its Annual Stakeholder Meeting. Agenda items will include issues the agency should address this year. The meeting will be held from 1:30 to 2:30pm in the large conference room at ABC headquarters, which is located at 3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100, in Sacramento. Those interested in attending should RSVP to Kathleen Rodrigues via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 916-419-2510

Report: Tearing Down California's Alcohol Regulations



Alcohol Justice released a new report on alcohol-related legislation introduced, passed and/or signed during the second half of the 2011-2012 California Legislative Session. This report illustrates the effectiveness of the millions of dollars of alcohol industry lobbying on California state government. Although the Legislature passed three alcohol-related bills with minor public health benefits, the prevailing legislative tide (six bills passed and signed) clearly pushes the alcohol industry’s bottom line higher than ever. As long as the California Legislature continues to cater to the interests of alcohol industry over the public, the cost of alcohol-related harm will only continue to increase.


Alcohol Use Costs New Hampshire More Than $1.15B Annually

   NewHampshire copynew study released by PolEcon Research has found that excessive alcohol consumption costs the state of New Hampshire more than $1.15 billion annually in lost productivity and earnings, increased expenses for healthcare, and public safety. These costs represent 2% of the total personal income of the state, and do not include another $218.6 million lost annually by the almost 300 people who die prematurely as the result of alcohol consumption each year in New Hampshire. The new data comes at a time when the state is considering an increase on its beer tax, a proposal that the beer industry is fighting tooth and nail. The state and local governments’ share of the costs of alcohol consumption is about $251 million annually, a figure that could be offset by an increase in the beer tax.


Minimum Alcohol Pricing in Canada Reduces Harm


New research from Canada's Center for Addiction Research in British Columbia (CARBC) and Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) shows that minimum price polices on alcohol are effective in reducing alcohol-related harm. The evidence stems from British Columbia and Saskatchewan provinces, both of which experienced significant reductions in overall alcohol consumption after minimum pricing policies were put into effect. Researchers found that those who paid less per unit of alcohol tended to consume more drinks. These latest studies add to the evidence that higher pricing of alcohol is a powerful way to control consumption and lower negative affects. Public health advocates hope that this new evidence encourages other countries to adopt their own minimum alcohol pricing policies in order to mitigate the illnesses, injuries and social problems associated with alcohol misuse.