

Join Alcohol Justice -- Fight Big Alcohol

In 2017 Alcohol Justice will be celebrating 30 years of fighting Big Alcohol and reducing alcohol-related harm. For the first time ever, our Board of Directors and I invite you to become a member and join these efforts. It's our first membership drive.

I've got two teenage boys, and I'm fighting Big Alcohol to protect them and all youth from the annual US catastrophe of over 88,000 alcohol-related deaths, and $250 billion in alcohol-related harm. Everybody knows somebody whose life had been interrupted or ended by an alcohol-related cause. We fight for the victims and the survivors and most of all for prevention, but we need your participation to protect our families and communities.

This past year we successfully fought against powdered alcohol in many states. It's not easy restricting alcohol availability or raising alcohol taxes when you're fighting goliath global alcohol corporations like Anheuser-Busch InBev and Diageo. But we try, and sometimes we win, and when we do public health and safety wins too.

Join Alcohol Justice now to hold Big Alcohol accountable and reduce alcohol-related harm, especially among youth. Join now as we enter our 30th year. Become a member, and when you do, we promise to involve you in battles that can help save the lives of those you love. 


From my family to yours, Happy Holidays!

Bruce Lee Livingston
Executive Director/CEO

 A Giving Tuesday Message from Executive Director/CEO Bruce Lee Livingston

Purple Giving Tuesday Heart in the SkyDear Friends,

November 29 is Giving Tuesday, a national day of generosity. Giving Tuesday is also the day we launch the Alcohol Justice end-of-the-year membership campaign.

We’re raising funds on Giving Tuesday to kick-start our giving season, encourage individual memberships, and grow our capacity to counter the harm Big Alcohol does.

We need your help, and it’s as easy as 1-2-3.

  1. Initiate your membership and make your year-end gift on November 29.
  2. Copy the image/link below and email to 10 friends, colleagues, or family members. We’d love them to join Alcohol Justice and support us on Giving Tuesday.
    Orange badge urging us people to become a member
  3. Get the word out on social media:
    Facebook -
    LinkedIn -
    Twitter -
    by sharing and retweeting our membership and fundraising messages and new video.

New members and new financial support will help us face the challenges of 2017 with renewed energy and a positive outlook. Please help lead us to those goals.

Happy Holidays!

Bruce Lee Livingston
Executive Director / CEO

Following Summit, CAPA Gains Momentum and Mass

Thank You collage for CAPA Summit attendees


You wouldn’t expect a snowball in LA, but the California Alcohol Policy Alliance is gaining both speed and size in the wake of the first annual CAPA Summit. Held on November 4, 2016, the summit brought together 90 representatives from 35 organizations working to promote healthy alcohol policy throughout the state. The primary discussion topic was improvements to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, the state’s primary licensing body. A detailed report on the proceedings will be available soon.

The California Alcohol Policy Alliance is dedicated to protecting health and safety and preventing alcohol-related harm through statewide action.

READ MORE about CAPA and opportunities to get involved.