

Sacramento Burns with Harassment Hearings While Wiener Fiddles with Late Night Bar Bill

Public health & safety grassroots advocates pledge to defeat new attempt to keep bars, restaurants and clubs open past 2 a.m.

Scott Wiener tilting at very drunk windmillsSAN FRANCISCO, CA (November 28, 2017) - California Alcohol Policy Alliance (CAPA), and Alcohol Justice are not surprised by Senator Scott Wiener’s (D-San Francisco) latest attempt to push the legislature in the direction of increasing profits for the late night industry at public expense. They are however puzzled by the timing of Wiener’s announcement on the day that the California state legislature began hearings on sexual harassment in the Capital.

“Senator Wiener is tone deaf to the important matters of the day,” stated Sara Cooley Broschart, Alcohol Justice Advocacy Manager. “As he talks about the importance of late night alcohol revenue, women in Sacramento are testifying about sexual misconduct by legislators at bars or fundraisers serving alcohol. The costs of this legislation to women, commuters, and neighbors far outweigh the benefits to a few bar owners. Senator Wiener needs to get his priorities straight.”

The unintended consequences of extending alcohol last call include:

  • quality of life deterioration for adjacent neighborhoods
  • drinkers driving from areas where bars close earlier to bars with later last calls
  • late night drinkers sharing the road with early morning commuters
  • increased DUI accidents and fatalities
  • limited budgets and personnel to deal effectively with the extra service calls

There is also vast peer-reviewed evidence that shows that two more hours of alcohol sales will nearly double alcohol-related violence, crime, police calls, emergency visits, etc.

"The Journal of the American Medical Association found that over 90% of domestic abusers were abusing alcohol not just regularly but at the time of the incident," stated Margot Bennett, Executive Director Women Against Gun Violence. "To protect families and communities at large, we must not only provide reasonable regulation of guns but also provide reasonable regulation of alcohol that includes restrictions on the hours it can be sold. A 4 a.m. last call is far from reasonable and will only push incidents of alcohol-related violence further into the early morning hours."

“The idea of bringing forward a bill to allow bars to serve alcohol until 4 a.m., especially in light of all the recent claims of sexual assault is unconscionable,” said Patty Hoyt, Alcohol Policy Coordinator at Discovery Counseling Center. “Serving alcohol until 4 a.m. will only increase the opportunities for unwanted advances and possible assaults as it will increase the amount of time people can consume and end up intoxicated.”

Wiener's failed first attempt this year (SB 384) was a dangerous piece of legislation that would have stripped away the standard protections of a normal 2 a.m. closing time. SB 384 drew the ire of local health, prevention, and recovery groups as well as MADD and law enforcement organizations that rallied at every opportunity to express strong opposition. They drew the attention and support of a steadily growing chorus of elected representatives, determined to call out the damage their constituents would suffer from an ostensible “local control” bill.

“The cost of authorizing the extension of hours for California’s 'nightlife industry' is not factored into their 6-billion-dollar economy: drunk driving, sexual assault or damage to personal property impact lives and public costs but not bar owners' balance sheets,” said Lisa Bridges, Co-Chair of CAPA—California Alcohol Policy Alliance. "Senator Wiener should know that CAPA, a diverse statewide coalition, is deeply committed to defeating any new attempt to keep bars, restaurants and clubs open past 2 a.m."

READ the press release.

READ MORE about Wiener's conference.

READ MORE about how last call times protect the public health.

Wyoming Leg Ponders Charge for Harm

With a bold plan to use alcohol taxes to fund recovery, the Cowboy State wears a white hat


Go get 'em, cowboy stateAs the federal government becomes obsessed with tax cuts—including ones specifically earmarked for Big Alcohol—the Wyoming state legislature is living up to the headstrong cowboy image.  The body’s Interim Joint Revenue Committee is exploring raising its alcohol excise taxes and state-collected alcohol fees, according to the Casper Star-Tribune. The Wyoming Legislative Service Office estimates the state would take in an additional $6.4 million, $1.4 million of which would be a Charge for Harm tax to fund alcohol recovery services.


The Charge for Harm element of the alcohol tax reform bill was proposed by Sen. Dave Kinskey (R-Sheridan). Sen. Kinskey had been researching ways to raise revenue in light of the state’s earnings shortfall due to declining fossil fuel revenue, and found that alcohol taxes had been proposed as far back as 1930 by the sitting Democratic Governor. Even today, generating revenue and paying for vital health enjoy bipartisan support in the state. The Star-Tribune reports the results of a recent poll in which 78% of Wyomingites supported raising alcohol taxes.


“Charge for Harm is such a simple concept—use the revenue from alcohol sales to reverse the harm of alcohol,” said Bruce Lee Livingston, CEO/Executive Director of Alcohol Justice. “But we still need decisive lawmakers like Sen. Kinskey to make it more than just a good idea.”


Although Wyoming could join the vanguard of states aggressively pursing Charge for Harm strategies, $1.4 million is from enough to address the full scope of alcohol-induced costs to the state. According to a study from the Wyoming Department of Health and the University of Wyoming, the state spent over $840 million in 2010 to address the harms from alcohol use.


READ MORE about Charge for Harm strategies.


READ MORE about how alcohol taxes can close state budget shortfalls.


USE the Alcohol Justice tax calculator to see how a few cents can make a huge difference for your state.

Senate Tax Bill Delivers $642 Million Dollar Turkey for Boston Beer and Friends

Sen. Rob Portman, amendment author, banks big bucks from Big Alcohol.

Alcohol Justice is raising a red flag over language from S. 236 / H.R. 747—the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2017— inserted into the Senate version of the Republican tax cut bill that passed out of the Senate Finance Committee on a party line vote Thursday, November 17, 2017. The language mandates savage, reckless cuts to alcohol excise taxes, as contained in an amendment put forth by Committee Member Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio). The Senator, according to has received $210,981 from beer, wine and liquor interests since 2010, including at least $29,000 from Boston Beer executives and family members.

According to an Alcohol Justice report, the proposed two-year Senate tax break would cost the U.S. $642 million. In stark contrast to the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act’s stated intent to nurture small brewers, distillers, and wineries, a lion’s share of the cuts accrues to Big Alcohol. Hard liquor distillers making over 100,000 proof-gallons a year take home almost 75% of the cuts. Of the projected $126 million annual giveaway to beer manufacturers, $50 million will be claimed by just seven “mega-craft” brewers.

In light of the House of Representative’s November 16, 2017, passage of its version of the tax bill which, if passed, would eliminate public funding for substance abuse treatment, public health advocates are expressing immediate concern, predicting an explosion of alcohol-related harm in the country.

“This bloated turkey is moving fast,” said Michael Scippa, Public Affairs Director for Alcohol Justice. “We need to reach out to senators right now and tell them: Stop. Think. Reject this language. Don’t play political chicken with American lives to make Big Alcohol more profitable.”

The revisions to the Senate’s bill come at the behest of six of the largest alcohol special interest front groups in the country, including the Beer Institute, the Wine Institute, and the Distilled Spirits Council. In a November 13, 2017, letter to the Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the lobbyists complain, “outdated regulations and tax laws impede the growth of these individual businesses.”  

“The U.S. federal alcohol excise tax hasn’t budged since 1991,” said Bruce Lee Livingston, CEO/Executive Director of Alcohol Justice. “Of course it’s outdated. It hasn’t even kept up with inflation. The industry says ‘craft’ and people think of a family woodshop,” added Livingston. “But that word means nothing now. Alcohol lobbyists have rewritten it. Look at Sam Adams. They pull down almost a billion dollars a year, but this tax cut babies them.”

Sam Adams is produced by Boston Beer whose CEO Martin Roper enjoys an estimated annual compensation in excess of $43 million. Boston Beer founder and chairman C. James Koch’s compensation is not reported yet it is safe to say these men are not struggling, small craft brewers. The tax savings from the Senate giveaway will put additional millions in their pockets.

Sam Adams was already notorious for bullying the Brewers Association—also a cosignatory on the letter to Sen. Hatch—into raising the production threshold for “craft brewery” to accommodate the brewer’s growth. They have since managed to influence key legislators, in particular Senator Rod Wyden (D-Oregon), who authored the original S. 236, and Portman. These bills all offer tax cuts to very large volume producers of beer, wine, and spirits.

However, the effects of this on public health will be immediate. Evidence abounds that raising alcohol excise taxes reduces harmful drinking. Alcohol Justice strongly favors they be doubled. This would result in a 35% decrease in alcohol-related mortality, 11% reduction in deaths from alcohol-related crashes, and markedly reduce incidences of sexually transmitted infections, violence and crime. Moreover, the revenue generated by alcohol excise taxes can be earmarked for healthcare, prevention, and recovery efforts—a concept Alcohol Justice refers to as “Charge for Harm.”

Current economic harm from excessive alcohol consumption in the U.S. costs $249 billion annually, including 88,000 deaths, alcohol-related car crashes, violence, chronic illness, and lost productivity.

The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) estimates that almost 40% of individuals seeking treatment for alcohol use disorder were unable to access it. Moreover, the House version of the U.S. tax bill seeks to begin eliminating the Affordable Care Act and its access to hospital care. The acute harms from alcohol use—including accidental injury, toxicity, and violence—will be exacerbated by the elimination of the tax while access to treatment will be more difficult.

“If you want to keep alcohol safe, you invest in prevention and treatment,” said Scippa. “Looking at the Senate and House versions of this tax bill, it’s like the FAA saying inspecting a plane takes too long and parachutes are too expensive.”

Alcohol Justice strongly opposes the Senate version of the tax bill and urges everyone concerned with the health of the country to act now to oppose it. Tell your senators to reject the Portman amendment and keep Big Alcohol from hijacking Congress.

TAKE ACTION to tell your Senator to reject the Portman Amendment tax breaks for Big Alcohol.


READ MORE about the Craft Beverage Modernization Act’s $3.2 billion giveaway.