Congress is being relentlessly lobbied to lower alcohol taxes by extending the Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act of 2019 (S. 362; H.R. 1175). It's a very bad idea. It will mostly benefit major alcohol producers - many of whom are foreign-owned - at the expense of the public and the government.
The federal alcohol excise tax has not been raised since 1991, while alcohol-related deaths have doubled over the last 10 years. In addition, numerous studies have shown that increases in alcohol prices and/or taxes – not lower taxes - are associated with reductions in alcohol consumption and related problems, like motor vehicle fatalities, violent crime and alcohol-related diseases.
TAKE ACTION NOW to tell key Congressional leaders and your members of Congress to prioritize public health and safety over alcohol industry profits by voting no on extending tax cuts. They will also be strengthening the federal budget by boosting revenue. The public needs a windfall, Big Alcohol will continue to do just fine.
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