

Big Alcohol Exposed!

April 7, 2016

Alcohol Justice has joined a new global initiative, dedicated to exposing the truth about the unethical business methods of the alcohol industry. "The website, www.BigAlcohol.Exposed, is a wealth of knowledge, from big alcohol facts to providing specific cases on where the alcohol industry has crossed the line with their marketing towards children and youth."Another neat feature of the website is that it invites community members to easily and anonymously submit a marketing case. If you see it, report it.

Join this global initiative by connecting with us on Facebook and Twitter.  

View the website here:

Jorge Castillo to Deliver Keynote on CAPA at San Diego Alcohol Policy Panel

Save the Date!

Please join us at the Alcohol Policy Panel of San Diego County’s Quarterly General Assembly Breakfast Meeting

Friday, April 15th, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

California Alcohol Policy Alliance (CAPA): How CAPA is helping keep
Californians safe from alcohol-related harm through statewide action, including the recent push to ban powdered alcohol.

The mission of the California Alcohol Policy Alliance is to unite diverse agencies, institutions, organizations and communities to protect health and safety and prevent alcohol-related harm through statewide action.

CAPA is currently helping to lead the fight to ban Powdered Alcohol in California. The issue is currently before the legislature and CAPA has brought together a statewide coalition to have the production, distribution, and sales of “Palcohol” banned in the state.  

Although not marketed yet in California, proponents of the ban are worried powdered alcohol would become a dangerous product, especially for our youth.

If Palcohol becomes legal, it could reverse more than a decade of progress in reducing youth access to alcohol in San Diego County.     According to the California Healthy Kids Survey, the number of ninth graders who say they find it “fairly easy” or “very easy” to obtain alcohol has declined by nearly a third since 1999, while for eleventh graders it has decreased by nearly a quarter.

There is concern this trend could be halted or even reversed if powdered alcohol is allowed to come on the market.   The powder could be easily sneaked into venues and mixed with any liquid.        

Join us as our keynote speaker shares with San Diego County leaders about the effort to ban powdered alcohol in California and the other core issues and strategies CAPA hopes to address to reduce alcohol-related harm in our state.


Beth Sise, JD, RN, MSN, CPNP

Chair, Alcohol Policy Panel of San Diego County
Director, Trauma Research and Injury Prevention, Scripps Mercy Hospital

Keynote Speaker castillo med

Jorge Castillo

Community Organizer – California Alcohol Policy Alliance (CAPA)  

Mr. Castillo is the community organizer for CAPA. He also works with Alcohol Justice (AJ), a non-profit advocacy, research and policy organization that monitors the practices of the alcohol industry.

Alcohol policy action items that Mr. Castillo plans to discuss include:

  • Making the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control effective, efficient, transparent, and accountable to public health and safety concerns of the community, and not to cater to industry profits and license expediency, through policies that reduce alcohol outlet density and increase funding for alcohol control, regulation, and enforcement
  • Raise the price of alcohol through taxes and fees, supporting the “Charge for Harm” concept that the industry should pay for treatment, prevention, and all other costs to government
  • Limit alcohol advertising in all media, especially on government-controlled property and where children or targeted populations are exposed
  • Eliminate product lines (such as alcopops and malt liquors) oriented to underage youth and vulnerable or targeted populations.
  • Reduce the allowable blood alcohol content for drivers as “Point .05 Saves Lives”.


Centro Cultural de la Raza, Balboa Park

2004 Park Blvd.

San Diego, CA 92101


Friday, April 15, 2016, 9 – 11 a.m.


$10 (Continental breakfast included)


Please register and pay by Friday, April 8th at:

CAPA 2016 Youth Advocacy Day - In support of AB 1554

3/29 - CAPA 2016 Youth Advocacy Day - In Support of AB 1554 - To Ban Powdered Alcohol in California

The California Alcohol Policy Alliance hosted the 1st Youth Advocacy Day with 35 youth from the bay area!

A youth and adult led Advocacy training was held at the USC Capitol Center. The group then marched over to the capitol to meet with every Assembly Member Office.

Every young person in attendance is working on reducing alcohol abuse in his or her community. They were all empowered to walk the halls of the Capitol representing their community to create change!

"Being able to connect with legislative staff and share the issues regarding the glamorization of alcohol, and the over-abundance of youth friendly substances was an empowering experience!" Said Karen Andrade, 16, a student at Tennyson High School in Hayward, CA. "I have learned the power that youth have to create change and the importance of civic engagement."

You too can be heard on this important issue:

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