

California Powdered Alcohol Bills Update

June 10, 2016

Phillips SB819 AssmbGO
Disappointed Palcohol promoter Mark Phillips was sent packing back to Arizona after a chilly Capitol reception in Sacramento on Wednesday June 8, 2016. He provided the lone voice of opposition at the Assembly GO Committee hearing on SB 819 (Huff, R-Diamond Bar), to ban powdered alcohol in California. The committee unanimously passed the bill, but not before Phillips was admonished by members for being in denial of the fact that his product was dangerous and youth-attractive. According to Phillips, everyone in the hearing room, as well as all the legislators in the 32 other states that have already banned the product were ill advised and wrong.

SB 819 has one more Assembly committee vote and a floor vote before being sent to governor for his signature. The bill has already passed through the Senate with absolutely no opposition.

AB 1554, a companion measure in the Assembly authored by Assemblymember Jacquie Irwin (D-Thousand Oaks) has passed through the Assembly without opposition and will be heard in the Senate GO Committee Tuesday (6/14). Both SB 819 and AB 1554 are supported by an impressive group of public health and safety advocates from across the state.


Alcohol Kills Cells In Your Body. Is The Harm Reversible?

June 10, 2016

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On an empty stomach, 20 percent of alcohol is absorbed directly across the walls, reaching the brain within one minute. Unlike food, alcohol metabolizes quickly in the body and the liver cells begin processing alcohol right away. This results in a build up of fatty cells, which is why many heavy drinkers develop a fatty liver. Not only does alcohol cause severe and life-threatening harm to the liver, it also causes significant harm to the brain. A recent report, indicates that alcohol is damaging because it's a small molecule and miscible in water. This makes it's easy to get into the bloodstream, effecting a variety of different parts of cellular mechanisms.

The above observation poses the question: Are the effects of alcohol reversible?

Although recovery can occur, alcohol kills cells in just about every part of your body. After extensive research, Dr. Koob revealed that there is a point of severity that you can not recover from. He suggests that the earlier prevention, the better. Alcohol causes an estimated 2.5 million deaths per year, making it the third leading cause of preventible death.

You can view our fact sheets on Alcohol-related Harm here:

Big Alcohol Funding Produces Deceptive Reports Marginalizing Alcohol-Related Health Problems

May 5, 2016

Earlier this week, Dr. Michael Siegel, Professor at Boston University School of Public Health, revealed some interesting truths behind a recent research review conducted by alcohol industry-funded entitles. The research forum claims that moderate drinking improves health. 

In his blog, Dr. Siegel, discusses the deception of this research and it’s attempt to look “unbiased” to the public. It turns out that five of the research reviewers have a conflict of interest by virtue by either serving on alcohol industry-funded organizations or having received research funding from Big Alcohol brands. it is also important to note that all 14 members who reviewed this research have previously drawn a conclusion in the same direction. Dr. Siegel then poses a critical question, ‘How can we expect a “balanced” review?’ 

CLICK HERE to visit Dr. Siegel’s blog. 
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